Acacia dealbata
Description: A fast growing, evergreen tree. Yellow, fluffy, ball-shaped, fragrant flowers with long stamens cover the branch tips from January to April. Evergreen feathery, glaucous foliage sets off the flowers well. Attractive pale green trunk.
Uses: Is best in a large garden where given space.
Climate / Position: Sheltered site in full sun.
Height / Spread: Can reach 12m in 20 years. Needs plenty of room.
Soil Requirements: Well drained acid - neutral soil. Very drought tolerant.
Pruning: Prune lightly after flowering. Prune branches that spoil the overall shape early in the year.
Special Requirements: Plant in a sheltered site for young plants. Frost hardiness increases with age.
Additional Interest: Introduced from Tasmania in 1820. The common name wattle derives from early Australian settlers who would use the abundant branches for wattle and daub. Dealbata comes from the Latin word for white-washed referring to the young white bloom on shoots and leaves.