Achillea ptarmica 'Perry's White'
Description: A pretty plant which has a mass of double white daisy like flowers throughout summer which look great mixed with many herbaceous plants or contrasting well with dark foliaged plants. Dark feathery lanceolate leaves form low clumps
Uses: Ideal in a cottage garden setting and any informal mixed border in full or partial sunshine. Attractive to bees and other insects so a good addition to wildlife gardens.
Climate/Position: Full sun preferred for best results
Height/Spread: Has rhizomarus spreading roots so will form a clump up to 60cm spread. Height is up to 80cm.
Soil Requirements: Fertile moist but well-drained soil. Achillea are drought tolerant.
Pruning: The flower heads of sneezewort should be cut back directly after flowering and this will encourage a second flush.
Special Requirements: Lift and divide old clumps in autumn or spring if required to encourage rejuvenation.
Additional Interest: The plant Achillea was named by the Swedish botanist Linnaeus, in honour of the Greek hero Achilles.