Aster novi-belgii 'Samoa' (Island Series)

Description: The Island Series are dwarf forms of Aster recently introduced. Compact and bushy upright habit which in late summer to autumn produces heads of double, incurved, pink-purple flowers that look stunning against the dark green foliage. Resistant to mildew which may have discouraged the growing of Asters in the past.
Uses: Ideal for the front of a border to give a late summer splash of rich colour. Also good in containers and in patio gardens.
Climate/Position: Sunny site prefered
Height/Spread: 60cm x 30 cm spread
Soil Requirements: Moist soils are preferred.
Pruning: The flower stems can be left through the late autumn after flowering then cut back to ground level in late winter.
Special Requirements: The plants need to be divided every few years as the centre of a large spreading clump will die out. This should be done in the spring.
Additional Interest: The name novi-belgii comes from New Belgium the early name for New York