Athyrium niponicum var. pictum
Description: An elegant and colorful deciduous fern with deeply cut fronds of soft metallic grey silver with reddish purple hues. Provides a long-lasting foliage interest for a shady, sheltered patio or courtyard Also excellent when planted with other ferns or shade and moisture loving plants such as Hostas, Dicentras and Epimediums, near to water or at woodland edge.
Climate/Position: Prefers a cool lightly shaded site in full or partial shade.Prefers plenty of moisture. Also useful as a marginal plant for bogs/ponds.
Height/Spread: 25 - 30cm x up to 1 metre spread via spreading underground rhizomes
Soil Requirements: Plant in moist neutral to acid soil. Preferably incorporate composted leaf mould or compost when planting.
Pruning: Leave dead fronds through winter to protect crowns then remove in late winter.
Special Requirements: . Slow to emerge in Spring so have patience with their late development.