Cistus x dansereaui 'Decumbens'

Description: A small growing form of Cistus which has green evergreen leaves and a mass of smaller white open flowers in early summer each petal having a purple blotch near the centre and edging a yellow boss of stamens. The leaves and flower buds are notably sticky which was most likely to help prevent salt damage and shows coastal origin.
Uses: The low spreading habit makes this useful for the smaller garden or edging a border. Good in coastal gardens.
Climate/Position: As with all Cistus prefers a sunny dry location. Avoid winter winds. Drought resistant.
Height/Spread: 60cm x 1 metre
Soil Requirements: Free draining soil. Dislikes winter wet.
Pruning: Trim after flowering using shears to encourage a new flush of growth and to keep the plant tidy but never cut hard into old wood as they will not recover.
Special Requirements: Ensure this is grown in the sun.
Additional Interest: A hybrid of C. ladanifer x C. inflatus. Synonymus of Cistus × lusitanicus 'Decumbens'