Clematis 'Frances Rivis'
Description: Small nodding bell shaped flowers which are deep/mid blue each with prominent white stamens. A medium-sized deciduous climber which is easy to grow.
Climate/Position: Any position - tolerates shade.
Height/Spread: Reaches 2.5 metres
Soil Requirements: Humus rich, fertile and well drained soil. The roots of clematis like to be kept cool.
Pruning: After establishment and training onto fence or wall, this mid sized large flowered variety requires little no pruning. (Group 1)
Special Requirements: To keep roots cool you can plant amongst low growing shrubs. If planting in containers, ensure the pot is large enough to ensure roots are not restricted too much.
synonymus name - Clematis alpina 'Frances Rivis'
The original seed was collected by Mrs FE Rivis in Nepal or Xizang, Tibet. Introduced to the trade by Sir Cedric Morris in 1965.