Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea'
Description: A medium-sized, deciduous shrub with dark green leaves turning red or orange in autumn. It has greenish-yellow stems and bears white flowers in spring and summer followed by white berries in autumn.
Uses: Excellent for shrub borders or watersides planting and especially useful in a designated winter border.
Climate/Position: Sun or partial shade.
Height/Spread: Height 2.4m, spread 1.8m.
Soil Requirements: Grow in neutral to acidic, well drained or damp soil.
Pruning: When grown specifically for its winter stems then cut it down hard in March to near ground level (stooling). If left as a shrub then little pruning is needed but can it be trimmed to keep a good shape.
Special Requirements: If stooled for winter colour then ensure plants are mulched with organic matter and fed each spring to maintain its growth.
Additional Interest: The stems of this dogwood look fabulous when planted with salmon-pink and red-stemmed varieties.