Euphorbia x martini 'Tiny Tim'

Description: A dwarf and compact evergreen sub-shrub forming a perfect dome shape. Narrow, dark grey-green leaves and greenish-yellow flowers with purple /red-eye produced throughout spring and summer which is much longer flowering than most Euphorbia.
Uses: Good for any sunny position in the garden and for planting in containers.
Climate/Position: Any position, sun prefered.
Height/Spread: 25 - 30cm dome.
Soil Requirements: Free draining soils especially important over winter to avoid water-logging.
Pruning: Cut out the flower heads as they brown. No there pruning.
Special Requirements: All parts of the plant are highly toxic if ingested. The milky sap may cause irritation to skin and eyes. When working with the plant then ensure gloves are used - especially if sunny.
Additional Interest: Introduced by Tim Crowder of Walberton Nursery, East Sussex. Plant Breeders Rights apply.