Liriodendron tulipifera
Description: A beautiful and very distinct large tree noted for the unusual almost square tulip shaped leaves which are fresh green throughout the summer and turn rich clear yellow in autumn which is stunning. On mature trees (15 years plus) the tree produces green orange tulip like flowers in June /July followed by magnolia like seed-heads. An unusual tree but deservedly popular.
Uses: Grown as a large fast growing specimen then space and a large park or garden is needed. As the tree responds to pruning, can also be grown as a pollarded tree, pruned to a trunk or ground level and the shoots produce enormous beautifully shaped leaves.
Climate/Position: Sunny position
Height/Spread: 20-30 metres when mature or 10 metres if pollarded
Soil Requirements: Any free draining soil
Pruning: For specimen trees then no pruning required. In a smaller garden and for foliage effect then cut hard to the trunk or the base of the tree every two or three years in spring.
Special Requirements:
Additional Interest: Introduced from America in late 1680s. In North America the wood is widely used as a timber for house interiors.