Lupinus 'Gallery Blue' (Gallery Series)

A very useful dwarf and compact form of the popular herbaceous Lupin. It produces numerous spikes of densely-packed, upright racemes of pea-like flowers in varying shades of blue during summer. Attractive, mid-green, palmate leaves. A real flavour of the English country garden, good for planting in drifts in a mixed border, for planting with grasses for a more contemporary flavour and of course Ideal for the small garden.
Climate/Position: Full Sun or partial shade in sheltered or exposed sites even in windy positions.
Height/Spread: 50cm x 50cm
Soil Requirements: • Light, slightly acid to neutral, well-drained soil. sandy soils give best flowering results.
Pruning: Remove flower spikes after flowering to encourage a second flush.
Special Requirements:
All parts of the plant may cause severe discomfort if ingested
The ‘Gallery Series’ hybrids were developed from the species Lupinus polyphyllus, a native of the West coast of North American growing in wet grassy meadows.