Osteospermum - bedding
Description: Masses of colourful daisy flowers, plants used primarily for summer bedding. With many new cultivars of Osteospermum available, these are a valuable and popular range of plants to be used as summer bedding. Prolific daisy flowers in a range of colours from white , pink and rich purple are produced throughout the summer right through to heavy frosts.
Plant in spring in sunny borders, in containers and pockets where fresh colour is required.
Climate/Position: Requiring a sunny aspect and ideal on a sunny patio.
Height/Spread: 60cm x 60cm
Soil Requirements: Any free draining fertile soil. Benefits from feeding through the summer.
Pruning: In summer remove flowers as they finish to encourage further and more prolific flowering.
Special Requirements: Although most Osteospermums are labeled as annuals they are in fact half-hardy perennials or sub shrubs. This means they are not entirely hardy and will therefore not survive persistent frosts. Osteospermums were formerly called 'Dimorphotheca' but this name is now only used for the annual forms which has caused some confusion.
The name Osteospermum is derived from the Greek osteon (= bone) and Latin spermum (= seed).