Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Gold Star'
Description: A golden variegated form of the popular evergreen shrub with a central greenish yellow blotch in each slightly undulating leaf. This form has red stems and very short leaf stalks. Compact habit. A male form with small maroon scented flowers in late spring.
Uses: Good for coastal positions, for use in large planters and for patio gardens.
Climate/Position: Sun or light shade. Prefers some shelter in coldest district and often recommended to grow against a sheltered wall in these locations but now seen to be hardier in UK than first thought.
Height/Spread: Medium sized form reaching 2 x 2 metres
Soil Requirements: All types of fertile well drained soil.
Pruning: Generally not required but will respond well to pruning. Can be used as a hedge which can be pruned April or July.
Special Requirements: Avoid cold North or East winds to avoid leaf scorch.
Additional Interest: Known by the Maori of its native New Zealand as kohuhu or kohukohu. Noted for evergreen foliage, usually black stems, late spring flowers which are honey scented especially in the evenings. Plants can be found with hermaphrodite flowers, or separate male and female flowers or with male or female flowers only. Some cultivars are very similar and only readily distinguished by the sex of the flower. The species grows wild in the coastal and lower mountain forests of both the North and South islands up to an altitude of 900m.
Many new cultivars now introduced. Also grown as a foliage plant for the floristry industry.