Quercus coccinea 'Splendens'
Description: A large impressive tree as it matures. Glossy green and large 'oak' leaves which are deeply cut. Noted most in autumn when the leaves turn a rich scarlet and provide a stunning site. This is a selected form of one of the finest trees for autumn colour which reliably has the much admired scarlet leaves which can be variable in Quercus coccinea.
Uses: For best results then allow plenty of space, plant as a lawn specimen or in parkland situation on free draining soils.
Climate/Position: Sunny situation, again for best colouring.
Height/Spread: 20 metres plus
Soil Requirements: For best long term results then dry sandy soils are preferred, certainly free draining soils avoiding wet ground. Slightly acidic soils preferred (low pH)
Pruning: None required but shaping of the crown on younger trees if needed.
Special Requirements: The colour is best on slightly acidic soils.
Additional interest: This form is vegetatively propagated and so carries the reliable feature of scarlet leaves.