Solanum crispum 'Glasnevin'

Description: A vigorous scrambling and twining semi evergreen that can be trained up a fence, wall, or over a pergola. Once established, it will flower throughout summer over a very long flowering period from July until late frosts.
The flowers are literally the same as a potato flower - rich purple blue with a protruding centre of yellow stamens. They are lightly fragrant and held in clusters at the tips of the growth.
Excellent for providing summer autumn flower colour in a sheltered spot.
Climate/Position: Any site in sun or shade but best if protected from cold winds and frost..
Height/Spread: If trained can reach 7metres in height.
Soil Requirements: Will grow in virtually any soil but thrives in chalky soil (high pH)
Pruning: Each spring prune back the side growths (those that grew and flowered the last year) to about 15cm from the main stem. allowing one or two of these growths to remain for training as a new structure/ extension to the main framework.
Special Requirements: Sheltered site. If growing on a pergola then ensure it is stury to support the quite vigorous and heavy growth.
'Glasnevin' is a selected form with a longer flowering period.