Viburnum opulus 'Compactum'
Description: A smaller and more compact form of the native guilder rose which is more suited to garden situations. The lacecap flower heads in mid summer amongst the soft green leaves are very showy and they are followed in autumn by bunches of translucent red berries together with the soft yellow and pink tinged leaves. The fruit often remain into the winter long after the leaves have dropped.
Uses: An excellent ornamental plant for a sunny shrub or mixed border and ideal for attracting wildlife.
Climate/Position: Full sun or partial shade
Height/Spread: 1.5 metres x 1.5 metres
Soil Requirements: Moderately fertile, moist even boggy soils.
Pruning: May be left without pruning. When plants are fully established then removal of one third of the oldest shoots at ground level after flowering is recommended to maintain a good flowering plant.
Special Requirements: Mulch of compost with fertiliser if rewquired applied after pruning will ensure healthy growth is maintained.
Additional Interest: The many common names relate to its range of origin and therefore regional names. eg. Whitsun Boss because it flowers at the time of the Christian religios festival Whitsuntide, Guelder Rose from its Dutch name etc.