Provender Nurseries supports Swanley's Shed

Provender Nurseries supports Swanley's Shed

We understand the importance of working closely with non-profit community groups and charities. Every two years, we select a new non-profit group or charity to support, raise funds for, and work with. For the next two years, we will be supporting Swanley’s Shed.


Swanley’s Shed opened in January 2023 and is based on the Men’s Shed concept. Swanley’s Shed is open to both men and women who are vulnerable, elderly or looking to meet new friends. Their aim is to create a place to pursue practical interests at leisure and to practice skills. Swanley’s Shed have a few different circles that they created to cater to all of their member's interests. For example, repairing bicycles, community gardening and woodworking.


On Wednesday 15th February, Liz and Louise from the marketing team met with Paul Sharrad, Geoff Parsons and some of the other lovely members of Swanley’s Shed. They donated tools, soil and money that had been fundraised at events, staff raffles and Christmas jumper day (a total of £348). This money will go towards buying new tools for the shed.


Geoff, of Swanley’s Shed said “Our members are very grateful for the gifts of garden tools and compost, and will use them to good effect in the near future. We are particularly appreciative of the donations Provender Nurseries raised at their allotment event and other events in the recent past. We feel that we are in a much surer position with the funds. Thanks very much for coming and the enormous help.”

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