At Provender Nurseries, we’re all about choice. We want to ensure that we have a wide variety of stock for our customers to shop from – this is why we have so many plants on the nursery!
Malus is something we definitely have lots of varieties of. Here, you will find regular standards, selected standards, heavy standards, extra heavy standards, multi stems ranging from 35L– 285L and lots more!
Today, we are going to shine the light on two Malus crab apple trees; Malus 'Prairifire' and Malus ‘Rudolph’.
Malus 'Prairifire' is a medium sized, spreading tree that has dark red leaves that mature into a dark reddish-green colour. It has deep pink flowers in the mid-spring that are then followed by deep purple-red fruit. ‘Prairifire’ thrives in full sun or partial shade and likes moist but well-drained soil.
Malus ‘Rudolph’ is a small deciduous tree of upright habit. Can you guess what colour the flowers are in the late spring? Red/pink – of course, just like Rudolph’s nose! Malus ‘Rudolph’ also produces elongated, red fruit just as the foliage starts to turn yellow in the autumn, making this the perfect plant for adding colour. It’s especially great in smaller gardens. Just like ‘Prairifire’, ‘Rudolph’ also likes full sun or partial shade and moist but well drained soil. (Shown in the image)