In 25L and 45L pots and fresh from our production facilities in Kent, we have some happening Hydrangea grown in peat-free compost and kerb recyclable pots.
Great plants for making a statement and found on our newly created Hydrangea bed on the nursery. We have such a wide range in stock, that we decided the Hydrangea needed a space of their own to show off from.
45L Hydrangea arborescens Pink Annabelle® and Ruby Annabelle® are part of the Proven Winners® range of plants. Both Annabelle options have all the same characteristics that Annabelle is so well loved for with different colour flowers. All Annabelle options are attractive to butterflies with extended flowering seasons. They are an attractive option for a flowering hedge.
Hydrangea arborescens Pink Annabelle® is a beautiful Hydrangea with deep red buds that open to reveal big flowers with a unique rich pink colour. The flowers speckle as they age. The plant continuously produces new flowers to enjoy the whole summer long. Height / spread: 150 cm / 125 cm.
Hydrangea arborescens Ruby Annabelle® is compact in form with huge clusters of reddish pink flowers produced in profusion throughout the summer months. Height and spread 120cm.
Proven Winners® have been bred to have longer flowering periods making them an attractive source of food for pollinators, compact growth habits making them an excellent choice for domestic gardens, parks and urban areas, great drought tolerance making these plants able to stand up to our ever changing climate, pest and disease resistant resulting in less chemical applications required and multiple seasons of interest making them an invaluable choice to provide interest for long periods of time.
Heat tolerant, drought tolerant and hardy down to -25OC Proven Winners ® work hard so you don’t have to.
Shown in the image: Pink Annabelle