There is always colour in the autumn and winter with an autumn flowering Camellia.
Better known as Camellia sasanqua, the dainty flowers are freely produced through the autumn to winter months well into early spring.
The flowers are single, semi-double or peony form flowers. Many of which are scented. Flowering in the autumn and winter, the delicate flowers are unaffected by frosts and emit a subtle early grey tea scent during a dull winter’s day. The foliage of Camellia sasanqua are again, delicate in shape with a pointed tip. Depending on your choice, some have a slightly weeping habit to the branches, others are more upright in form.
We have stocked up on Camellia sasanqua before with them proving extremely popular. This year we have added some new varieties to the mix to widen our offering to you. Here is a quick run down on what we have to offer this year:
- Autumn Flower Festival. Masses of pink and white flowers
- Beatrice Emily. New favourite! Pink buds open to double ruffled pink and white flowers.
- Biancaneve. Semi-double white flowers.
- Cherilyn. Bright pink peony-like flowers.
- Cleopatra White. Fragrant semi double white flowers with a blush of pink.
- Cleopatra. Strong, vibrant, pink simple flowers.
- Hino de Gumo. White flowers with a tinge of pink.
- Hiryu. Single or semi-double crimson flowers.
- Kamakura-Shibori. Red and white lowers with yellow stamens.
- Kanjiro. Semi-double, deep pink flowers.
- Mine-no-Yuki. Double white peony like flowers.
- Narumigata. Upright form. Single white flowers with pink tinge.
- Navajo. Semi-double white flowers with red to pink edges to the petals.
- Plantation Pink. Bright pink, scented flowers.
- Versicolour. Single pale pink flowers with white centres.
- Yuletide. Starts flowering in November and is in full swing at Christmas time. Small single red- crimson flowers with prominent yellow stamens.
- sasanqua Pink. Pink flowers throughout winter
- sasanqua Red. Red flowers throughout winter
- sasanqua White. White flowers throughout winter
Native to southern Japan and China, these dainty evergreen Camellia are hardy and like a rich, ericaceous soil, happy in most situations including sun through to shade and are happy in containers.