Hedging & Screening Show filters Hide filters Filter products Clear selection (Size) 1L (3) 2.5L (1) 2L (35) 3.5L (2) 3L (13) 4.5L (5) 4L (3) 5L (14) 6 pack of 11cm pots (1) 6L (1) 7.5L (9) 7L (2) 8L (2) 9cm POT (4) 9L (1) 10L (36) 11.5L (1) 12L (3) 15L (7) 18L (15) 20L (8) 25L (32) 30L (6) 32L (1) 35L (13) 40L (4) 45L (9) 50L (3) 55L (5) 60L (1) 70L (9) 80L (1) 90L (2) 110L (3) 130L (5) 150L (2) 180L (1) 375L (1) BARE ROOT (36) CG (4) ROOT BALL (12) Trough (4) Clear selection (Height) 125-150cm (1) 150-175cm (2) 175-200cm (2) Clear selection (Form) Panel (8) Clear selection (Spec. 1) 120cm x 70cm frame (7) 130cm x 80cm Panel (1) Clear selection (Aspect) Full Sun (2) Sun to semi-shade (1) Clear selection (Foliage Colour) Gold / Yellow (1) Variegated (1) Clear selection (Foliage Type) Evergreen (3) Clear selection (Habit) Conical (1) Rounded (1) Clear selection (Max Height) 3.5m-4m (2) 15m - 20metres (1) Clear selection (Poisonous) May cause skin allergy (1) Seed kernels harmful if eaten (1) Clear selection (Scent) Scented (1) Clear selection (Soil Moisture) Well drained (1) Clear selection (Uses) Hedging / Screening (1) Clear selection £ - Clear selection A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Clear selection 1 - 7 of 7 productsItems per page1530456075AllSort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Choose display: PHOTINIA x fraseri 'Carre Rouge' 35L 150-175cm £ 230.00More info14 units in stock PHOTINIA x fraseri 'Pink Marble' 35L Panel 120cm x 70cm frame £ 225.00More infoOnly 2 left PHOTINIA x fraseri 'Red Robin' 35L 150-175cm £ 195.00More info7 units in stock PHOTINIA x fraseri 'Red Robin' 35L 175-200cm £ 275.00More info6 units in stock PHOTINIA x fraseri 'Robusta Compacta' 35L Panel 120cm x 70cm frame £ 250.00More infoOnly 1 left PRUNUS lusitanica 'Brenelia' 35L Panel 120cm x 70cm frame £ 225.00More info5 units in stock PRUNUS lusitanica azorica 'Tico' 35L Panel 120cm x 70cm frame £ 275.00More infoOnly 3 left