Who doesn't love a family gathering? We have some special family members to introduce to you. If you wander up the hedging section you will find our family of Prunus waiting for you, Prunus Bonaparte, Sofia and Elly.
Prunus lau. 'Bonaparte'. A new selection from Germany with striking red-orange young shoots that show up magnificently against the green foliage. Dens, slender growth habit. Excellent hedging choice. Winter hardy too
Prunus lau. 'Sofia'. An excellent choice for either hedging or topiary balls. Very compact growth habit with serrated leaves and easily pruned to shape. Excellent resistance to both heat and cold extremes. Slow growing.
Prunus lau. 'Elly'. A fabulous option for hedging with narrow, columnar growth habit. If instant, crisp, healthy looking hedging is your thing, then look no further. This new introduction has an elegant, slender habit with long dark green leaves that are held upright. Altogether a tidier option for hedging with little or no pruning required. Elly reaches about 3m in height and 80cm to 1m in spread.