Drip Irrigation & Main Tube Show filters Hide filters Filter products Clear selection (Size) Pack of 1 (3) Pack of 2 (4) Pack of 4 (2) Pack of 5 (5) Pack of 8 (2) Pack of 10 (14) Pack of 13 (1) Pack of 15 (1) Pack of 20 (1) Pack of 25 (1) Clear selection (Height) 30cm (1) Clear selection (Form) 180 Degrees (2) 360 Degrees (3) Clear selection (Spec. 1) 1/2 inch (8) 1/2 to 1/4 inch (1) 1/4 inch (7) 15m Roll (1) 20m Roll (1) 25m Roll (1) 50m Roll (1) Clear selection (Spec. 2) 1/2 inch dia. (3) 1/4 inch dia. (1) Clear selection (Brand) Claber (45) Clear selection £ - Clear selection A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Clear selection 1 - 30 of 44 productsItems per page1530456075AllSort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Choose display: 12 Next Claber Aqua Magic 10m Hose 4-6mm £ 8.50More info12 units in stock Claber Aqua Magic Solar Powered Drip Irrigation £ 80.00More infoOnly 2 left Claber Aqua Magic Spare Drippers Pack of 5 £ 8.00More info43 units in stock Claber Colibri Irrigation Starter Kit £ 120.00More info7 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation 0-10 L/H end line Dripper Pack of 10 £ 8.00More info38 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation 0-10 L/H In-Line Dripper + Pack of 10 £ 8.50More info15 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation 0-40 l/h Adj. Shrubbler Pack of 10 £ 10.50More info48 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation 0-40 l/h Adj. Shrubbler Pack of 25 £ 21.00More info29 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation 0-40 L/H Adjustable Dripper Pack of 10 £ 8.50More info19 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation 0-40 l/h Adjustable Dripper Pack of 10 £ 11.00More info104 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation 2-Way Coupling Pack of 10 1/4 inch £ 5.00More info60 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation 4-Way Coupling Pack of 10 1/4 inch £ 4.50More info60 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation Adj. Micro-Sprinkler 16m2 Pack of 5 360 Degrees £ 8.50More info27 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation Adj. Micro-Sprinkler 57m2 360 Degrees £ 11.50More info27 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation Adjustable Micro-Sprinkler Pack of 5 180 Degrees £ 8.00More info27 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation Barb Connectors Pack of 4 1/2 inch £ 4.00More info121 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation Drainage Valve Pack of 1 1/2 inch £ 5.50More info27 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation Elbow Barb Connectors Pack of 10 1/4 inch £ 4.25More info56 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation Elbow Coupling Pack of 2 1/2 inch £ 4.00More info85 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation End Stopper Pack of 4 1/2 inch £ 4.00More info106 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation Fitted Rigid Riser Pack of 10 30cm £ 7.00More info60 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation Hole Plugs Pack of 10 £ 2.75More info85 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation Hole Punch / Spanner £ 2.75More info47 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation Kit Orto £ 100.00More infoOnly 3 left Claber Drip Irrigation Micro-Sprinkler Pack of 10 180 Degrees £ 6.00More info36 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation Micro-Sprinkler Pack of 10 360 Degrees 1/4 inch £ 6.00More info63 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation Micro-Sprinkler Stake Pack of 2 £ 7.00More info68 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation Pipe Feeding Tube 20m Roll 1/4 inch dia. £ 12.00More info48 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation Pipe Main Tube 15m Roll 1/2 inch dia. £ 11.00More info42 units in stock Claber Drip Irrigation Pipe Main Tube 25m Roll 1/2 inch dia. £ 18.00More info26 units in stock 12 Next