Plant a Tree for the Jubilee

Plant a Tree for the Jubilee

In celebration of the Queens Platinum Jubilee in 2022, people across the UK are invited to ‘’Plant a Tree for the Jubilee’ to create the Queen’s Green Canopy.

Many community gardens, charities, allotment societies, schools, colleges, shared green spaces and commemorative gardens are already taking part in this fabulous initiative.

Should you wish to ‘’Plant a Tree for the Jubilee’ then plan a visit to Provender Nurseries where we have over 750 specimen tree options to choose from and 90 fruit trees in stock. 

Whether you are looking for buds, berries, bark, fantastic foliage, native, ornamental, great for birds and bees, fantastic flowers, our love of trees is reflected in the selection we have on site with a tree option from A right through to Z.  (Don’t tell anyone, but we have no option for J, but thought that Japanese Acers would count!).

We have trees in every size so anyone can plant them and get involved from 10L to 450L and from 1.5m to 5m

You can get involved and find out more information about the Queen’s Green Canopy here

Once you have planted your tree, don’t forget to add your tree to the interactive map here

Check our tree factsheets on

Tree selection, planting, staking and aftercare

Fruit Tree rootstocks, sizes and pollination groups

Trees with interesting fruit and berries

Trees for autumn colour

Trees with ornamental bark

Native Trees

Unusual Trees  



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