Check out our talks given by members of our team

Check out our talks given by members of our team

Going Green. Making the Right Choices. Enhancing the environment in a positive way.

Check out our talks given by members of our team

Aimed at all members of the landscape industry, Going Green, Making the Right Choices will inform you of what we as a business do to keep our credentials green.

Looking after the planet and creating green spaces is all of our responsibility, no matter what field of horticulture your company falls into. At our Going Green event we invite you to get involved with our team.

We will be holding walk and talk sessions covering a range of topics:

Going Green Range. Sundries Manager Vaidas will showcase our Going Green range of sundries

Driving to a Green Future. Transport Manager Kevin will discuss the past, present and future of transport and how we manage the impact on the environment

Trouble Free Plants. Marketing Manager Liz looks at plants that are trouble free and require little if any chemical treatment

Enough Small Things Make a Difference. Managing Director Richard showcases practices on site and in our decision making as a business that keeps Provender Nurseries Going Green

Production Practices on Site. Clare King, Production Supervisor will show our peat free production and how we are reducing our use of single use plastics

How Biosecurity Impacts our Environment. Stuart Tickner, Nursery Production and Biosecurity Manger will cover the importance of biosecurity and how following correct procedures helps to protect our green environment.

Soils and Bark, the Greener Way. Graham, Sundries Supervisor will introduce our range of bulk bags and soils screened and produced on site

Autumn Interest Plants. Nigel of the Quoted Sales Team highlights late summer interest plants that attract and sustain wildlife to your garden

Website Demo. Lizzy, Online Sales Manager will be on hand throughout the day to show how to order via the website


September 21st Wednesday 9am to 3.30pm

September 22nd Thursday 9am to 3.30pm

Please register your interest with Jennifer on with your preferred day and your food selection from the following: Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Meat.

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