The darling of the Hydrangea world, Hydrangea arborescens Annabelle.
Large globe-like spherical white flowerheads up to 25cm across are freely produced in summer and continue through to September. Moving through to the autumn the flowers fade to a pale green to dark green. The stems are upright in habit and strengthen as the plant matures.
One of the most popular Hydrangea due to the sheer size of the flowerheads. Planted in large groups or as single specimens when in flower Annabelle really does make a statement.
Hydrangea arborescens Annabelle flowers on new growth each year. To maintain the shape, remove the faded flowerheads in the spring after danger of frosts has passed. Cut back to a pair of buds and either down to ground level or to a couple of buds above ground level to keep some strong framework to the plant.
Hydrangea will be happy in partial shade to full sun. In a very sunny position, they will require more watering around the roots.